An Open Letter To President Obama,
Dear President Obama,
I know it pains you to send more
troops to Afghanistan when you were hoping to bring them home. You delayed in hopes to find a more effective way to end this war.
Please hear my plea as a plea from God.
Each religion is expecting a Savior to
perfect their religion and save them. The Savior will always be the word of God
that He sent to their prophet. The primary message of God through Muhammad was
to follow the whole Bible. Jesus said to live by every word of God. We cannot be saved individually or as a nation unless we follow God’s word in truth.
People are not following as IT IS WRITTEN;
but are following errors passed down. They must change. All religions need correction back to what God told their prophets.
That is their part, but the nations’ leaders can and must lead their nation by example; they must establish the
Days of No Work God commanded in Leviticus 23 and Exodus 20 the Ten Commandments also known as the Sinai Covenant. We were not to add holidays or take away from God’s holy days under great penalty for rejection. Leviticus 26.
In 1991 I was physically anointed with
oil and wine poured over my head at the commandment of God and I am ONE of the people God has used to warn the nations and
to bless the nations by telling them that He has solutions to the world problems we created by ignoring His wisdom. My first understanding that tragedy follows rejection of God’s word came with the fire at Windsor
Castle in November 20, 1992
after I had sent a multi page plea for religion correction to the Queen of England and other world leaders including the United
Nations. She would later remark that year was a pain in her glutimus maximus.
God has provided a way out, but we must
turn to Him in an obvious way. He said He will cut His work short in righteousness. He is trying to establish His kingdom on earth and bring us out of the bondage lifestyle
that is destroying us and our world. He also said terrors will not cease UNTIL
we turn to Him in truth.
Marie Devine
God has solutions to world problems we
created by ignoring His wisdom.