Occupy Wall Street is being used
to make Arab Spring in America. Occupy Wall Street is not like the Civil Rights Movement. With Civil Rights Movement we had the Bible on our side and there was clearly something that could be changed.
Occupy Wall Street does not have
the Bible on its side. The rich are not to be taxed higher than the poor to help
the poor.
In the 11-28-11 LA video with the man in white shirt laying on the ground, the sign says, Millionaires, your time is up. Party for Socialism and
Liberation, PSLweb.org
Another sign says, The Present is
struggle, the future is ours. Party for Socialism and Liberation, PSLweb.org
PSLweb.org website says event coming:
Dec 03 Marxism Class: The Scientific Basis for Socialism, Chicago
PSLweb.org website shows connection
with ANSWER referred to by former KGB at:
Protests: https://www.divine-way.com/egypt_protests__
kgb__socialism__unions__blacks__workers_world_connection.html 2-19-11 :
"Even more significant is that the
Hezb'allah representatives
demonstrating on the first day of
the Cairo uprising
were carrying flags displaying the
hammer and sickle."
ALSO includes information that Arafat was
created with false documents.
That sounds familiar since President
Obama has not been able to provide a real identity papers including school records.
This is NOT what America's youth, veterans or minorities
Lifelong employment with union wages
is not freedom; it is glorified slavery. God commanded in all holy books to live
close to the land so we do not destroy ourselves.
Only a garden paradise lifestyle can solve
the pollution to air, land, water and food already making young and old diseased as well as energy crisis, war, immigration,
inequality, financial instability, and huge government payrolls to administer helps.
We cannot solve the problems with the same lifelong employment system that created them, even if all people received
the same high union wages. The devil has deceived us all, as God said he would.
My website has various connections
and evidences for charges against President Obama and connections to Occupy Wall Street-Arab Spring. They amount to Arab Spring in America for
the take over of the government without an election. President Obama endorsed
uprisings in Egypt and Libya etc. and stirring up war around
the globe.
These truths need to be lifted up;
it is as easy as mentioning this website.
"45 Communist Goals For the Take Over of America" read into US Congress in 1963 shows using schools and students for Arab
Spring type events, controlling one or more political parties, controlling MORE unions, and big business, and promoting UN
for one world government.
The masks they wear refer to Guy Fawkes, who fought to end religious persecution; but they resemble Lenin a lot.